For the month of April 2014, the City of Marion will be collecting yard waste at curbside from Monday, April 7 through Friday, April 11. Curbside pick up for yard waste generally occurs on the day following each resident’s regular trash collection day (example: Friday trash pick-up - Monday yard waste pick up). With limited personnel, this schedule can vary.
In a specific change to the yard waste program for 2014, there will be a limit of 3 bags and/or 3 bundles of limbs/branches collected from each residence per month during the 2014 yard waste season. As in the past, the City will not collect grass clippings as yard waste material at curbside. Branches must be tied in bundles no larger than 2 feet in diameter and 5 feet in length.
Residents are encouraged to drop off grass clippings and yard waste materials, free of charge, to Park Enterprise Construction Co., Inc., located at 560 Barks Rd. W. (between S. Prospect St./Rt. 4 S. and the Barks Rd. overpass). Requirements for grass and yard waste drop off are:
- Must stop at office or other designated location to verify proof of City residency (Photo ID with address).
- Items being dropped off must be weighed by Park Enterprise employee before materials are discarded.
- Residents using plastic bags are required to remove waste from bags and then discard of plastic bags properly. Paper biodegradable bags are available at most local retail stores.
Also noted is that the City of Marion is not responsible for the collection and/or disposal of trees or large amounts of brush cut and/or removed from personal property. Disposal of trees and/or large amounts of brush from personal property is the property owner’s responsibility. These items may be taken, FREE OF CHARGE for all city residents, to Park Enterprise Construction (560 Barks Rd. W.) for disposal.
Call Park Enterprise at 223-7275 for additional information on acceptance program or for hours of operation.
Additional Information: City Sanitation and Streets Department 740-382-1479