Snow Removal

The goals of the Marion Streets Department are as follows:

  1. Provide uniform snow clearance capabilities city.
  2. Deliver an effective service under adverse conditions that reduces the interruptions to the personal and economic life of the citizens of the City of Marion.

The total length of roadways maintained by the City of Marion is 132.7 center lane miles.


Because of the extent of the roadway system in Marion, not all roadways can be addresses at the same time.

There must be a decision made as to which streets to clear first, based on traffic volume and the impact the street has on public safety. The snow and ice removal is prioritized on the roadways as follows:

  1. Arterial Streets and 3 Overpasses - provide for through traffic movement throughout the city. Streets in this classification will be maintained near a slushy to bare pavement condition as possible.
  2. Collector Residential Streets - provide for traffic movement between the arterials and the local residential street. Also included in this category are steep inclines and roadways leading to selected institutions such as schools and hospitals.
  3. Residential Streets - provide access to the abutting treatment of the collector residential streets.
  4. Alleys - The last to be cleared after residential addressed on a one by one basis.
  5. When the snow reaches approximately 4" and salt is having little effect we group plows together and plow snow to the curb.
  6. After a large snow, over 4" usually, we attempt to pick up and haul snow out of the downtown area. This allows parking on the downtown streets. The snow is removed from the gutters and intersections, so people have access to the sidewalks and parking spaces.

This document has been prepared as a guideline for snow and ice removal operations. During an actual storm, conditions may warrant deviation from this plan and a change in priorities.

During January through approximately April 1, each year we assign personnel to a winter schedule. This way we have our personnel spread out. We have someone on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When in a snow event, we utilize overtime where needed. This seems to work well.

The City of Marion has a 2,000 ton salt dome for salt storage, this is replenished as needed. This is located at 981 W. Center Street.

The City of Marion Streets Department has the following equipment available for snow removal.

6 - Single axle dump trucks with plows/spreaders
1 - One ton dump truck with plow/spreader
5 - 4 x 4 pick up trucks with plows
1 - Skid steer loader
2 - Larger front end loaders
1 - Tandem axle dump truck to haul snow from downtown
1 - 1/2 ton pick up with 100 gallon spray unit to spread anti- icing liquid on overpasses